Bought by the Blood

September 10, 2008

Evanglism Prayer Points

Filed under: Character of God,evangelism,Holy Spirit,Jonah — cubsfan1980 @ 3:05 pm
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One of the things that our small groups is seeking to grow in for the upcoming year is evangelism.  Often times in the category of evangelism my mind immediately goes towards praying for the lost.   As we studied the book of Jonah, one of the things that we learned is that many times the biggest hindrance towards the gospel reaching the lost is ourselves.  For last I created a list of prayer points where we focus on our hearts and minds and way that we want God to change us to make us more effective to reach the lost.  I am excited about praying through this list on a regular basis because I know my heart needs it.

1)Faithfulness in spite of discouragement when we don’t see fruit
2)Boldness to take risk when we are fearing what they will think of us/do to us
3)Awareness of God’s sovereignty and power to draw the lost to Himself
4)Grace to die to self and desire for ease and comfort
5)Increased compassion and graciousness towards the lost
6)Greater heart to see more people saved
7)Diligence to look for opportunities to be involved in the lives of the lost
8)A greater realization for what Christ has done to save us
9)Acceptance of our call and duty to reach out to the lost
10)Increasing awareness of the Holy Spirit empowering us for evangelism.

1 Comment »

  1. […] where we corporately prayed for the unborn.  This made me think back to in September when I posted prayer points for evanglism.  In light of this, I have decided to list some ways in which we can be praying for the […]

    Pingback by Pro-Life Prayer Points and a prayer « Bought by the Blood — January 18, 2009 @ 7:50 pm | Reply

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