Bought by the Blood

January 19, 2010

Evangelism Is Not Something We Do

Filed under: evangelism,Matt Chandler,Missions,Suffering,trials,Trusting God — cubsfan1980 @ 3:03 pm
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Matt Chandler recently preached on missions and evangelism.  His perspective on how missions relates to his recent diagnoses of brain cancer is really convicting.

Mission is about the reign and rule of God…Evangelism isn’t something we do, it is the lenses by which we see the entire world.  We don’t do evangelism, our whole lives are about the rule and reign of God almighty…Six weeks ago when I found out malignant brain cancer I began a whole new set of relationships that in the end are about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the rule and reign of God.  I met a neurosurgeon and I am not going in thinking, “This is a neurosurgeon,” but instead I think, “The Lord is crossing my path with a neurosurgeon.  If he is a brother I will try to encourage him.  If not, I will try to reveal faith in Christ and the cross of Christ to him.”

-Matt Chandler

September 30, 2009

Sports, Work and the Gospel

Filed under: Gospel,Matt Chandler,sports — cubsfan1980 @ 10:13 am
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“I think it’s such a goofy thing that so many Christian men can get so emotionally distraught over how their football team does.  It is just confusing to me.  That you can enter into an emotional downward spiral because your boy threw three picks.  That blows my mind.  Enjoy sports.  Be disappointed that your QB can’t throw to the right jersey.  There is nothing wrong with those things, but for you to emotionally affected, for you to be like, “Get the kids out of here,” something is wrong with you.  That is idolatry.  That is weird.  That is immaturity at its best…What has happened?  You were created by God for a ferocious epic drama, but you have replaced it with some ridiculous game.  Whether that be football, business, some external false “look at how successful I am” suburban death trap.  All you reveal in those moments is you don’t know what you are caught up in.  Work just becomes work, play just becomes play…Our life has one purpose, the name and renown of Jesus Christ.  Your money, job, house family, children, hobbies, your everything is about the gospel of Jesus Christ.  If you understand this you will live out the epic and live intentionally.” Matt Chandler

July 9, 2009

Michael, Farrah and Air McNair in light of eternity

Filed under: Eternity,Matt Chandler — cubsfan1980 @ 6:37 pm

I was going to do a blog post on the recent celebrity deaths, but I can’t say it any better than Matt Chandler

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