Bought by the Blood

January 7, 2009

Glory and Suffering

17Forthis light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. 2 Cor. 4: 17 & 18

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. – Romans 4:18

The word “transient” is defined as “one who stays for only a short time; ‘transient laborers.'”   We are never promised that suffering will not come to us in this world.  Instead, the promise that we have is that suffering is temporary.  As those are in Christ and have a hope of spending eternity with Him, we can have assurance that although suffering will come, it will not be forever.  That which is forever, is the love and goodness which has been displayed at the cross and will follow us for the rest of our days.  Suffering has a cut-off point.  That cut-off point could be six months, six years or even sixty years, but there will be a day when suffering is no more.  We have been promised a home where “death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away (Revelation 21:4).”

If our end purpose is a place where there is no suffering, then why should we suffer now?  Suffering prepares us for the glory that God has in store for us.  Suffering trains our eyes to look away from this world to the world that is to come.  No suffering at the time seems light, but when compared to the glory that God has in store, than the suffering we face is bearable.  All suffering must be faced in light of God’s glory, when the reality of His glory shines brightly, than suffering dims in comparison to what is in store for us.  The glory that God plans to reveal to us is an eternal glory, that will only increase as time goes on and on without end.

Lastly, the glory that is being prepared for us in Heaven outweighs the suffering that we face here on Earth.  What is the weight of glory?  I believe that in the most simplest terms, it is a scale that shows what awaits us as we travel through suffering.  On one end of the scale with the lesser weight is a the pains of this world and the things that we’ve lost.  Everything in this world, exists for the purpose of glorifying God.  Due to the entrance of sin into the world, our ability to see the true worth of creation is marred.  On the opposite end of the scale is what we’ve lost, but as God intends it, wrapped up in His glory and splendor with a beauty beyond comprehension.  The suffering that we experience in this life, will be finally realized in Heaven as a reward.  Our suffering is an investment in eternity, with a return we can’t grasp now, but will grow to maturity in God’s timing.  The reason why God takes blessings away is because He is preparing us for an even better one to come.  All we need are eyes to see that God is at work and He never stops doing His people good, so that we may enjoy His glory more and more.

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